Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thankful and Beyond Blessed....

Our appointment yesterday went, GREAT!!!  So great that neither I or my husband slept a wink last night.  After you take a look at the picture below, you will know why!!!!

Yep, we're having TWINS!!!!  I still can hardly believe it!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Looonnnggg Day...

Good Morning.  I hope everybody had a wonderful Easter.  We did!  My Mom is a nurse and it was her Holiday to work, that was the only bad part about our weekend.  My sister and I cooked a feast at her house and we all had a great time.  I need to get better at taking pictures...OMG, you should have seen my niece in her Easter dress...adorable!  She had I had our own little Easter Egg hunt too ;)

I wasn't expecting yesterday to be as emotionally hard on me as it was.  My mom had ordered an Easter Lilly in memory of Nolan and in honor of Kirsten for the altar at church, so sweet.  That combined with it being a Holiday, that would have been his first Easter, the Easter hymns, our stop at the cemetery, I was quite emotional.  I think the added hormones don't help;)

Speaking of added hormones... I feel like I have a hangover every day, all day long.  Not complaining, I will feel like this everyday for the next 33 weeks if I have to.  It still isn't fun, though;)  I have been drinking a LOT of ginger ale.  Not a huge fan of the flavor but, it does help.  Thanks to my sis, for that advise.  I also found it helps to eat something salty in the morning.  Today for breakfast I had, ginger ale, lays potato chips, strawberries, and pineapple.  HA!

So today, 5pm...we get to hear a heartbeat!!!  I am super excited and very nervous.  I am trying soooo hard to be positive, but how can I not think about the last time I was supposed to hear a heartbeat.  A lot of those feelings are re surfacing.  All will be good today, it has to be!!! 

With fertility there is always that little chance of multiples...we will also find that out today, I mean if there is more than 1!!!  Because of the number of follicles I had and some hormone levels I have had tested since conception, lets just say there are a few family members...ok well all of them that even know I am pregnant that are rooting for twins, ha!  Not sure how I feel about that yet!!!  Just a few more hours and we will know!  I'm leaving work at 3 in order to get home, change, meet my husband, and get on the road to our appointment!!!!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Puppy Love...

She was sooo cute this morning I just had to snap this picture!  I always said I would never have a dog.  Once I had one, I said she would never be allowed on our bed.  Well, I guess I made a liar out of myself.  I am so in love with my sweet puppy it is not even funny.   Side note, she is not allowed in our bed very often, and she must be invited.  She gets in trouble, just at tiny bit of trouble, if she comes up with out being told to.  Just look at her...head on the pillow and all. 

I don't think I've ever shared our story about how we got our dog.  Its pretty perfect, so I will share...

My husband grew up with a White German Shepherd named, Baby.  He has always wanted to have a dog of ours.  I, the clean freak that I am, was perfectly content with no dogs.  No shedding to worry about, no dog bones on my carpet, no dog breath, or giving them baths.  I was happy the way our life was, dog-less.

Well, after we found out our first child was a boy, my mother-in-law believed he needed a puppy to grow up with.  So she took it upon herself to see that he would have a puppy to grow up with.  Just a few short weeks after we found out Nolan was a he there was an ad in the local paper for White German Shepherd puppies.  She went and paid for one.  Telling nothing about his to my husband or I.  (Damn MIL's!!!)  She was going to make sure Clint was going to get his Dog and she figured if it was for Nolan, I would not be mad.  Haha!!!

Unfortunately, you know how Nolan's arrival turned out.  When my MIL was leaving the hospital she told Clint that she had bought something for Nolan that she just can't return.  The day we came home from the hospital was literally the day she had scheduled to pick up the puppy.  We had only been home for an hour when I heard somebody come in the front door.  I walked out, Clint was in the shower, and there was my mother-in-law, bawling, holding a tiny white puppy. 

She gave me a hug and told me that she had wanted Nolan to grow up with a puppy and that now we would have a puppy to take care of and to help heal our broken hearts.  STOP.....total emotional volcano... Obviously, still distraught over our first baby being born an angel just a few hours before, by sobbing MIL, the cutest white puppy I had ever seen....WAIT, a puppy?  I didn't want a damn dog.  She bought me a dog?   OMG she has some nerve.  I am so mad at her.  Seriously?  Who buys somebody else a dog?  What am I going to do?!?!?

It took some major adjusting...lets just say the dog was lucky she was so freaking cute!  I was very upset with my MIL.  In fact, I still to this day talk about how much I love our dog in front of her, haha!  But our sweet dog was major medicine for us.  She forced us to go on nightly walks, she forced us to take care of her and ourselves.  It is something ( I don't really like to call her a something) so it is a somebody for us to love that loves us in return.  She makes us laugh and is part of our family.

Because she was a present for Nolan, it feels like we have something of his.  She is Nolan's puppy.  When we were trying to decide on a name I wanted something that started with an N, just like Nolan.  My Sis, helped us come up with her name.  Nevaeh, yep that is Heaven backwards.  Pretty perfect, huh?  We say it, Nay-Va.

 Nevaeh, is seriously one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  Just don't tell my Mother-in-Law. 


Monday, April 11, 2011


Where do I start...  We had a GREAT weekend!  It started off on a scary note.  Did you read my post about my nephew Lane?  After an emergency trip to the hospital he was diagnosed with ITP.  He had a viral infection a few weeks ago.  His little body was trying so hard to fight it off and it ended up attacking himself.  His platelet count was VERY low.  He had an 8 hour IV treatment where the gave him platelets.  His counts were up to 40,000 when they discharged him late Saturday afternoon.  He is still not back to normal.  He will have weekly blood counts and more IV treatment if it is needed.  They told his parents it could take months for his counts to be back where the should be.  Poor little man!  But we are all beyond thankful that it was something that can be treated and that he will be okay!  Thanks for your prayers also.

With the good news about Lane we were able to enjoy the rest of our weekend.  My hubby is a bit of a cowboy.  No lie.  When I first met him he actually rode bulls.  Stupid.Crazy.I'm glad he doesn't do it anymore!  But we do like to go to rodeo's.  This weekend there was one about an hour away from where we live.  One of Clint's best friends also lives in this town.  He also used to Rodeo ;)

So Saturday afternoon we headed North.  Met our Friends for an early supper and went to the rodeo.  My cousin and his girlfriends joined us later.  We all had a great time!

Love my new cowboy boots;)  Never owned a pair before - I went to this rodeo in style;)

We stayed the night and did some shopping before we headed home on Sunday.  It was absolutely gorgeous  weather this weekend.  In the high 70's.  However it thunder stormed like crazy on Saturday night.  We knew there was a chance for sever storms on Sunday also.  For most of Sunday it was really warm and partly cloudy.  Then for a brief, 10 minutes or maybe less it got ugly.  I can not say enough how lucky we are.  There was a tornado along the same road that we live on.  A couple miles west there was some major damage.  We have 2 huge trees down in our yard but neighbors had roofs torn off of bars and campers flipped over onto vehicles.  Thank God, nobody was hurt.

Our attorney called yesterday and needed some additional information to finish our taxes.  Yes, you read that right, our taxes are not done yet.  Eek.  This is the first year that Clint has been completley self-employed.  Let's just say, umm, he is not very organized.  We didn't really know what all to expect.  Now that we do I will be taking over that part of the business.  I am wwaaaayy better and keeping track of things and putting receipts and what not where they need to go.   Well anyways we were trying to get all of that information together when the tornado came.  We lost power.  For 3 hours.  We stayed up late trying to get it all done.  I should say Clint stayed up late.  In my current state I am not much able to keep my blue eyes open much past 9... ok, or earlier!

When I got up this morning, Clint begged, I mean begged for me to call and take the morning off.  There were a few other spreadsheets he needed to finish for the attorney.  Clint and spreadsheet should never be used in the same sentence.  But we are busy at work and I said I really needed to go in.  I gave him a quick lesson and told him to call me if he needed help. 

I back out of the driveway and here a God awful noise.  I thought something was stuck under my car, like a branch or something.  I thought when I drove forward maybe it would fall off.  Nope, no such luck.  I get out of my car to check it out.  Not a branch, a flat tire.  I came  back in the house and asked Clint if he did that on purpose so I had to stay home and help him. 

Long story I guess... to sum it up I ended up taking a vacation day.  We spent a few hours finalizing the tax stuff...its now at the attorney's office!  Relief.  We went and bought 2 new tires for my car and we had lunch in town.  Ran a couple errands and came home. 

Clint was going to go to his shop for a few hours.  So I took the dog for a walk.  We were enjoying the great spring day, and were almost back home, when...  there appeared a skunk just up the rode.  Yep, between us and home a skunk.  I prayed and prayed and prayed for the dog not to bark.  I was certain we were going to get sprayed.  For a moment I froze.  We started walking the other way, called Clint and he came and picked up his 2 favorite girls and brought us home...smelling just as nice as we did when we left, ha!

See?  What a day!  That was a long post, but so much happened!  Grilling out tonight, so I am going to go get everything ready!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Prayers, PLEASE!!!

I come to you tonight, because I know the power of prayer is strong.  My nephew, Lane, yes the sweet little man we just helped celebrate his 2nd birthday on Wednesday, needs your prayers.

Wednesday night Lane had a bruise on his forehead.  Like all little boy 2 year olds, he can be kind of wild.  Well, when you're wild you sometimes end up with a few bruises.  Jenn, his mother, said he had a couple on his leg earlier that week.  We were joking that he was just accident prone. 

When Jenn woke him up this morning he had bruises all over his body.  Legs, back, arms, everywhere.  They made him an appointment.  His Dad, Clint's youngest brother, took him in.  They ran some blood tests and sent him home.  Jenn has an in home day care and so he went back there.  A few hours later the Dr. called Jenn.

He explained that Lane's platelet count was VERY low.  Normal is 150,000 Lane's was 10,000.  He said said his blood will not clot at all right now.  If he so much as got a paper cut he could bleed to death.  They are running more tests to find out what caused this to happen.  As we speak he is on his way to a different hospital about an hour away from where we live.  It is a much larger hospital with several pediatric specialists.

They will do a blood transfusion as soon as he is admitted.  The transfusion will take 6-8 hours.  They will, thank God, sedate him heavily.  They will recheck his counts tomorrow and he may have to have another transfusion. 

I pray that they can find out what caused this and that is isn't as bad as we are all fearing.  I pray for the medical skills of the doctors who will hold his little life in their hands.  I pray for strength for his Mom and Dad.  I pray for our sweet little Lane to be back to normal soon.  Thanks for your prayers too. 

Here is Lane and his birthday cake 2 days ago:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oh, Baby!

Lane's birthday party was a blast last night.  I'm pretty sure that 2 year old was going to have a hard time going to bed after all of the new toys he got last night.  That along with the amount of cake and ice cream he consumed - that kids loves him some cake and ice cream! 

Once we got home, Clint and I started talking about our morning plans.  I was SO excited to test this time.  Remember last cycle I did not want to test at all!  I said to Clint do you think a few hours really makes a difference?  I told him I kind of wanted to take one right now!  He told me not do, but I did not listen.  I tested.  The minute I saw the results I started screaming.  Yep - there were 2 little lines, it said I was PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!  Clint came running in and was all excited as well.  Duh, right!  Then he got all serious... "You should have waited til tomorrow... What if its a false positive?" 

So this morning at 4:00 am he was wide awake.  Woke me up and we took another test.  There were still 2 lines, it still said I was pregnant.  AAHHH!!!!!  I can hardly believe it?!?!?!  I am on cloud 9, for the second time in my life I have a true miracle growing inside of me!  I hope and pray with all of my hear that this baby makes their appearance a little bit different and is kicking and screaming when we meet him or her!!!

I called our sweet Nurse, who was equally as excited for us.  Our appointment is scheduled for April 25th to hear that amazing little heartbeat!!!!  I know how nervous I will be for that.  I know that feeling of not hearing a heartbeat will never leave me.  I know I will have a lot of nervous and scary moments with this pregnancy.  My sister tells me, every time one one of those thoughts comes across your mind, say a prayer.  She is right.  I know there will be those moments but I need to focus and positive things and not let things like that prevent me from enjoying every minute of this pregnancy. 

I debated whether or not to blog about this today.  Blogging has been so therapeutic for me and I need it to continue to be that way for the next 36 weeks!  I have only told my Sister, of course, my parents, and a few of my closest co-workers.  There are a few, I mean like 3 besides my sis, in real life friends and family that read my blog and they will know to.  Infertility is hard, people know we are trying, some know we just completed a cycle.  It takes away the surprise.  But I still want to wait a little while before the word is completely out.  My head and my heart need some more time to absorb this. 

I am soooo ecstatic.  I am having a hard time concentrating today.  AAHHH!!!!!  I can't believe I'm pregnant.  I am living, walking, breathing proof that miracles to come true!  Thanks for all of the prayers - they indeed helped.  I also know a certain little Angel was looking out for his Mommy and Daddy this time around!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tomorrow, Is Only a Day Away...

So, tomorrow is the day.  Ya know, the one where I can test...eek!  I get so excited, so nervous, so scared.  Then in a matter of seconds my heart will break, again, or I will see two little pink lines that mean another miracle has happened.  What will it be tomorrow?!
I don't know if I should say this or not, I don't want to jinx anything ;)  But I have the slightest feeling that it may have worked this last cycle.  Did I say how many trips I make to the bathroom lately?  Oh my!  There have been a few times where I "think" I have noticed some extra pressure, there.  I also think that being in my situation and knowing that I might be pregnant could play mind games with me.  Before I tested the cycle that I got pregnant with, Nolan, my you know whats hurt...bad.  This time? They don't?!  My sister keeps telling me she did not hurt this second pregnancy but she did with Kirsten.  Speaking of Kirsten, my adorable niece, came  to visit me at work today.  My mom watches her a couple of days a week so they came to my office for a little coffee break this morning.  Ahh... I LOVE how excited she gets when she sees me.  Totally melts me...totally.  When they left you should have seen the long face she had when she realized I wasn't going with them.  If testing tomorrow morning does not go the way I want, at lease I know I get to have lunch with her tomorrow.  I can't not be happy around her, she is one of the BEST things in my life!
Sooo...if you don't mind adding me to your prayers tonight, I would appreciate it!
Today is our nephew, Lane's 2nd birthday.  He is Clint's youngest brothers little boy.  We are going to their house tonight to celebrate.  I'm sure it will be fun and it will make the night go by fast - no staring at the box of tests that are waiting for me in the morning! 
Because he is the birthday boy and sooo cute...here is a picture of Uncle Clint and Lane.  Not the greatest picture but it will do!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

SO Thoughful...

One of the first things I do when I get home is look through the mail.  Rarely do we get anything besides a bill or another credit card offer.  There is the occasional invitation, birthday or anniversary card, birth announcement, etc.  All of which I love receiving...Okay you're right, the birth announcements sting a little, but I wouldn't not want to get them either.  Anyway...not very often, hardly ever are there surprise packages with thoughtful letters and beyond sweet gifts.  But, yesterday there was. 

Here is what was in my package yesterday...

Heaven is for Real, A Little Boys Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back

Along with the sweetest card and a personal hand written letter...those I NEVER get in the mail.  I want to share with you what it said. 

Kari & Clint,
This is the neatest book!  I just finished it and enjoyed it so much!  I thought of you two, and just had to send you a copy.  I pray that it will be a blessing to you as well ;)
We live along ways away, and we don't talk often - but I think of you and pray for you often.  I know God has plans for you and your family - and I just as anxious as you (well maybe not quite as much as you ;) )to find out what the are!!
Enjoy the book!
Love you,
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful"  Hebrews 10:23

Lori is my sweet cousin, who like she said lives a long ways away.  Well, only 4 hours but we don't get to see each other as often as we would all like.  Like she also said, we don't talk often.  Well, I'm sure we talk way more often and see each other way more often that a lot of cousins do, but our family is really, I mean really close.  So to us, spending each and every Holiday, a long weekend in the summer, and a few weekends through out the year, is not seeing each other very much. 

I can not say enough how much it meant to get that in the mail yesterday.  Even more, I can't tell you how excited I am to ready my new book!  Have any of you read this book?  If you haven't heard about it, it is a true story about a little boy who had an emergency appendectomy.  For months afterwards he shared stories about his trip to Heaven.  He talked of people in Heaven whom he had never had the chance to meet on Earth.  He knew of events that took place before his birth, and described Heaven with perfect detail.  Here is a clip of the little boy and his parents from the Today Show.

I do believe in Heaven, I know our sweet Nolan is happy there and that he will never have to suffer, ever.  I know that he has lots of loved ones taking care of him.  I know he has met his Grandpa Bruce, Clint's dad, whom I never had the privilege of knowing.  I know he is in a better place than we can ever imagine.  I think this book will be nothing but confirmation for all of the above.  After reading it maybe I will have a better idea of where my sweet baby is living and all the glory that surrounds him, and all my other loved ones in Heaven.

Now, I need to find a sweet thank you card to send to Lori.  I know what I send will NEVER make her feel the way her gift made me feel yesterday.